• 06 Oct 2023

Self-Evalutaion for NFP and Charity Boards

Australian Non-Profits and charities governing bodies bear the profound responsibility of self-evaluation, a meticulous process that guarantees adherence to statutory mandates and the fidelity to the organisation's ethos. Below is a strategic framework for boards to conduct a self-evaluation with rigour and precision, we recommend that all organisations large or small take the time to thoroughly review the ACNC website and remain up to date with any changes.

1.      Initial steps in the self-evaluation process necessitate the verification of information with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC), ensuring the charity's record and the particulars in the Charity Portal are up-to-date and reflect the current operational profile​​.

2.      Employ the ACNC’s self-evaluation tool to systematically review compliance across various facets, such as governance standards and legal conformity. This tool poses critical questions that aid in introspective assessment and compliance verification​​.

3.      Boards should engage in contemplation to confirm that their organisation's undertakings align harmoniously with its foundational purpose. This includes a periodic review of the governing documents to ensure they are contemporaneous with the charity’s strategic intentions​​.

4.      Assiduously verify that individuals in positions of responsibility are not disqualified by conducting due diligence with the ASIC Register. Confirm that these individuals comprehend their duties, including the necessity of keeping the ACNC informed of relevant developments.

5.      It is paramount that Responsible Persons receive consistent, detailed reports regarding the charity’s operations and fiscal health. They should be empowered to oversee the organisation's governance structures to ascertain their continuing suitability and efficacy​​.

6.      Decisions must be substantiated, lucid, and well-documented. The framework for managing potential conflicts of interest should be explicit, with a robust policy that elucidates a precise definition of such conflicts​​.

7.      Ensure the organisation's capital and assets are strictly allocated to its charitable objectives without yielding personal benefit. Financial stewardship should be exercised with prudence, ensuring solvency and the judicious fulfillment of financial obligations​​.

8.      For charities with a membership structure, transparent communication regarding pivotal changes is essential. Members should be encouraged to partake in governance, exercising their right to query, vote, and express concerns​​.

9.      Remain vigilant of regulatory requirements at all jurisdictional levels. Obligatory changes and significant infractions must be reported to the ACNC within stipulated timeframes, maintaining regulatory integrity​​.

10.   Detect areas of potential enhancement and devise a strategic action plan. This document should be adaptive, evolving in tandem with the charity’s growth and the sector’s fluctuating demands​​.

Self-evaluation for NFP and charity boards is not merely a procedural necessity but a commitment to principled governance and the promotion of ethical service within the community. It is an iterative process that mirrors the evolving ethos of the charitable sector and its pivotal role in the fabric of the sector.