• 28 Mar 2023

Modernising your marketing strategy

The efficacy of marketing and communication is, by all accounts, of critical significance in organisational operations. Indeed, charities and Not-for-Profits (NFPs) are no exception to this rule, given their profound reliance on the patronage and support of the general public. In this discourse, we shall delve into an exposition of modern marketing ideas that can be harnessed by charities and NFPs in Australia to boost their outreach and fundraising campaigns.

Digital marketing is, without a shadow of a doubt, a pivotal tool that charities and NFPs can leverage to connect with a wider audience, engage with supporters, and raise funds. In recent times, the Search Engine Marketing (SEM) strategy has taken centre stage, as charities can bid on keywords related to their cause, which then displays their ads at the top of search engine results pages. By capitalising on this tactic, NFPs and charities can drive traffic to their website and increase visibility.

Social media is yet another platform that provides a fertile ground for NFPs and charities to connect with supporters, share their mission, and raise funds. By posting engaging content on a regular basis, NFPs and charities can build a community of supporters who are passionate about their cause. Creating campaigns that align with important events or holidays is a clever way of making the most of social media. For instance, a charity that focuses on supporting families affected by cancer could run a campaign during Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Establishing a strong brand is an essential step towards the success of any organisation. A well-designed brand helps to create recognition, build trust, and attract supporters. During the development of a brand, it is essential to consider the organisation’s purpose, values, and target audience. NFPs and charities should strive to create a brand that resonates with their supporters and reflects their organisation's unique personality.

Public relations (PR) is a crucial component of marketing for NFPs and charities. By building relationships with journalists, NFPs and charities can secure media coverage that helps to raise awareness about their cause. To succeed in PR, NFPs and charities should focus on creating newsworthy stories that align with current events or issues. For example, a charity that focuses on reducing plastic waste could pitch a story to journalists about the impact of plastic waste on marine life.

Content marketing is yet another way of creating and sharing valuable content that engages and informs supporters. This could include blog posts, videos, podcasts, and infographics. NFPs and charities should aim to create content that aligns with their purpose and values.

Email marketing is an effective way for NFPs and charities to communicate with supporters and encourage them to donate. When sending emails, NFPs and charities should aim to create compelling subject lines and provide clear calls-to-action. It’s also important to segment email lists based on supporters’ interests and behaviour.

A well-designed website may seem a little old fashioned…but it is still considered the capstone of any marketing effort. When designing a website, organisations should focus on creating a user-friendly experience that showcases their values. It’s also essential to ensure that the website is mobile-friendly, as an increasing number of supporters access websites on their mobile devices. NFPs and charities should aim to create a donation process that is easy to use and secure.

To further enhance their marketing efforts, organisations should consider implementing more advanced digital strategies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. These technologies can help these organisations analyse and interpret large amounts of data to gain insights into supporter behaviour and preferences, allowing them to tailor their marketing messages to specific audiences.

It's also important for NFPs and charities to collaborate with other organisations and individuals in their community. By forming partnerships, these organisations can tap into new resources and reach new audiences. For example, a charity that focuses on reducing homelessness could partner with a local business to address local homelessness.

Furthermore, NFPs and charities should make sure that their marketing efforts are inclusive and accessible to all. This means creating content and campaigns that are culturally sensitive, language-appropriate, and disability-friendly. By being mindful of these factors, these organisations can ensure that they are reaching as many people as possible and making a meaningful impact.

Modern marketing and communication strategies are crucial for the success of NFPs and charities in Australia. By leveraging digital channels, innovative fundraising methods, partnerships, and inclusive practices, these organisations can improve their outreach and fundraising efforts and make a meaningful impact in their communities.